Medical Terminology/ Prefix or Suffix
There are thousands of medical terms, so it is difficult to memorize them, but we can learn 80% of them by remembering medical keywords and the prefixes/suffixes used with them
Prefixes are placed at the beginning of medical terms and play a key role in changing their meaning. It's essential to spell and pronounce them correctly to ensure accurate communication.
Many medical prefixes are similar to those commonly used in the English language, making them easier to recognize and understand.
Common Prefix
A-, An-: Without; Lacking [Anemia]
Andr/o-: Male [Androgen]
Anti-: Against [Anticholinergic drugs]
Auto-: Self [Autocrine]
Bio-: Life [Biology]
Chem/o-: Chemistry [Chemotherapy]
Contra-: Against [ Contraception ]
Dis-: Separation; Taking apart [Dissection]
Dys-: Difficult; Abnormal [Dyspnea]
Gyn/o-, Gynec-: Female [Gynecology]
Lyso-, Lys-: Break down; Destruction; Dissolving, [ Lysosome ]
Mal-: Bad; Abnormal, [ Malignant ]
Necr/o-: Death [Necrosis]
Neo-: New, [Neonate]
Pan-, Pant/o-: All or everywhere, [Pancytopenia]
Body Part Prefix
Chrom-, Chromato-: Color, [Chromosome]
Cyano-: Blue [Cyanosis]
Erythr/o-: Red [Erythrocyte]
Leuk/o-: White [Leukocyte]
Melan/o-: Black [Melanin]
Cry/o-: Cold [Cryotherapy]
Scoli/o-: Twisted [Scoliosis]
Other Prefix
Ab-, Abs-: Away from, [Abductor]
Ad-: Towards [Adductor]
Ante-: Before; Forward [ Antenatal ]
Brady-: Slow [Bradycardia]
Epi-: Upon; Outside of [Epidermis]
Infra-: Beneath; Below, [Infratemporal fossa]
Meso-: Middle [Mesoderm]
Path/o-: Disease [ Pathologist ]
Post-: Behind; After [Postpartum]
Retro-: Backward; Behind, [Retroperitoneum]
Sub-: Under, [Subcutaneous layer]
Supra-: Above; Upon [Supraglottis]
Suffixes are placed at the ending of medical terms and play a key role in changing their meaning.
-ac: Pertaining to [ Cardiac ]
-blast, -blasto, -blastic: Bud; Germ, [ Myeloblast ]
-ectasis: Expansion; Dilation [ Atelectasis ]
-ites, -itis: Inflammation [ Arthritis ]
-lysis, -lytic: Break down; [Destruction ]
-malacia: Softening [Osteomalacia]
-megaly: Enlargement [Acromegaly]
-oma: Tumor [Angiosarcoma]
-pathy: Disease [Lymphadenopathy]
-penia: Deficiency; Lack of [Thrombocytopenia]
-phagia, -phagy: Eating; Swallowing, [ Dysphagia ]
-phasia: Speech, [Aphasia]
-plasia, -plastic: Growth, [Hyperplasia]
-plegia: Paralysis [Hemiplegia]
-pnea: Breathing [Sleep apnea]
-rrhage, -rrhagic: Bleeding [Hemorrhage]
-rrhea: Flow or discharge, [Diarrhea]
-sclerosis: Hardening [Arteriosclerosis]
-trophy: Growth, [Hypertrophy]
-centesis: Surgical puncture to remove fluid, [Thoracentesis]
-ectomy: Cut out; Removal, [Mastectomy]
-opsy: Visual examination, [ Biopsy ]
-ostomy: Opening [Colostomy]
-otomy: Incision [Laparotomy]
-pexy: Surgical fixation [Oophoropexy]
-plasty: Surgical reconstruction [Vertebroplasty]
-scopy: Examine, [ Endoscopy]